Tia Alequin

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Revision as of 21:39, 1 February 2025 by CactusOasis (talk | contribs) (I am the warmth you feel from stepping indoors after a long wintry day nipped at your nose. I am the spark to light your passion. I am the love that envelops you. I am yours when you're in need, wherever or however that need impulses you so.)
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I am the warmth you feel from stepping indoors after a long wintry day nipped at your nose. I am the spark to light your passion. I am the love that envelops you. I am yours when you're in need, wherever or however that need impulses you so.

Tia Alequin is a dragon that willingly came down to the surface world so that she could experience more love and emotion. She cares little about ever returning, if so long as she can always care for others.

Tia Alequin
AspectFire (Born)


Tia is a red skinned, white haired woman in her humanoid form, her tail showing off her white scales and blue flames. She has horns that wrap around her head in a slight curved motion, and she stands at 6'1". Her sclera is black and her iris burn the same as a raging wildfire when she's feeling passionate.


A dragon who spent her time perfecting the craft of mixing drinks and the craft of passionate love in all its forms. She grew tired of the floating city of dragons, where everything felt the same. She wanted to feel different kinds of love and be able to care for various different people, so she flew down without looking back. Now she runs a bar, flirting with any customer who will allow her.


(BIG WIP! You can contact me over this!)

Selena Idris :

Working out details

Lyna :

Working out details

Kaede Hiolne :

Best friend! Tia has a secret crush on Kaede that she never chases.


- Pansexual!

- Tia doesn't actually like to drink human made alcohol. She prefers things with a bit more magic to it.

- Purposely doesn't chase a lover. She's far lonelier than she lets on.

- Puts others care far above her own.

- If it comes to passion, she's down for it.