Castrellan Common has many slang terms that might not be immediately intelligible without context.
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- Girti: A term of admiration used to refer to any attractive woman or girl, as in 'babe' or 'hottie'. Etymology unknown.
- Freyjal: A friendly term used to describe the primal, overwhelming feeling one gets when seeing Dr. Freyja Lest. A portmanteau of "Freyja" and "Feral."
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- Shearing tumblebees: A metaphor for any difficult task requiring expertise, finesse, a delicate touch, or careful handling. Derives from the practice of tumblebee ranching, where a bee feeling uncomfortable with the shearer's handling of them is prone to lifting off into flight - often carrying an inexperienced rancher along for the ride.
Whimsical has many slang terms and names. A collection of those can be found on its page.