Curses come in many forms, but are defined as an Object, Person, or Thing, that has a negative aether associated with it. These negative experiences actively taint the aether cursing it to be anomalous.
Getting Cursed
Now, how does one come to get cursed? The answer is simple, a bad outlook. As simple as this sounds, things like stress, exhaustion, jealousy, & other gloom-ridden emotions cause your natural aether to take form. Slowly, it acts as a parasite, infecting whatever it can reach. This Anti-Aether, as we’ll call it, takes shape into a curse that reflects the mindset of the one who created it.
An example could be, someone who gets lost in a maze blames the useless map they acquired. This map takes in the Anti-Aether & starts to show people the wrong way to their destination.
These types of curses are manageable & reversible with the right conditions, but it is never recommended to deal with cursed items without a professional. Risking this, one can find that not only could the curse become irritated & lash out, but it could even become harder to remove for a professional.
A witch curses you with a pimple & you magically pop it, only for it to become an extra eye.
Cursed Brain Syndrome: the Faltered
It is also not uncommon for someone to get Cursed Brain Syndrome (Commonly known as a Faltered) from over interaction with a curse. Whether on purpose, or accident, overexposure to a curse can cause a cycle of anti-aether negativity. This in turn, causes one to continue to irritate the curse, thus making it more powerful & slowly take hold of their mind.
The easiest solution for physical items is to remove the item causing the cycle & let the person rest. Though, someone who curses themselves or is cursed by another is another story.
Evidence of being Cursed:
A clear sign that someone has become cursed is physical manifestations of the Curse will appear on them.
An example being, someone with a curse of inability to find their way, may find a map suddenly tattooed on their back, the one place they can’t see.
Oftentimes, it requires a lot of personal work & arcane therapy to fully lift the curse.
Making a Curse
As a final note, one should know that it is possible to engineer a curse, though not recommended without extensive studies & proper equipment. To do this, you would have to be an expert, or risk it going back on you. Along with that, those who curse people prey mainly on their negative mindset in the moment. It is possible to resist the process of being cursed by remaining calm & confident.
(Maldita Nightshade, Cursed Tools & Their Uses Teacher. Aided with the help of Kalypzo the Saleswoman.)