“Ain't that just a kick in the ass!”
A young magenta colored devil-kin with silver hair, sporting a rather wicked smile that has a gap in the front teeth. He has a singular horn sticking out from his head, crooked, boasting some jewelry, along with some pushpin earrings in both ears. He has stars in an eye, a reflection of one of his abilities.
This man loves to wear cowboy outfits, any that will fit him & feel comfortable.
Sadistic, Malicious, Misanthropic, & above all, a lover of Money. Whatever he is paid to do, he will accomplish, but he's not above getting his hands dirty in the process. To him, cheating is apart of the game, as long as you aren't caught.
Jesse Savage never really found what he was good at, until one day at the age of 19, he took a bounty from a bounty book. The first life he ever took, & it was a rush. He proceeded to spend the next 13 years building his identity as Kazoo, the Master Bounty Hunter.
During that time, at a currently unknown time, he was hired to take down an oracle. The oracle, of course, was fully aware he was coming. What they weren't prepared for was the fact that he had a null magic cloak. A tool given to him by an assassin friend. He took the large bounty on their head, but as he leaned in to check they were fully dead, their eyes jumped out & took residence in Kazoo's skull. Since then. he's been cursed with an unnatural sight into the future.
The very same person who had supplied the Cloak, better known as Frei, would later invite Kazoo to join Mirage. He would accept, on the condition he was paid well.
Magic Bullet (Dark + Flame): Kazoo is able to form bullets that follow a target.
Starry Eyes (Unnatural Curse???): Kazoo is able to see slightly into the future, though his mastery over this ability is not quite up to snuff.
A bullet to the head.
Frei: Fellow Hired Killer.
Kazoo's name comes from the sound he makes when he whistles.
He also just thinks it sounds funny when someone says it.
Go ahead, say it. It'll be the last thing you speak.